Sustainable • Adjustable • Feel Good

Welcome to WOE


At the end of 2023, I quit a career and PhD in mechatronics engineering to focus on the things that I love.

One of those things is making WOE Clothes!

I don’t have any formal training, but since I was a kid, I’ve always loved experimenting and making things!

My Mama is an incredibly bright and creative person, and with her encouragement and her crafting treasure chest, my childhood was full to the brim with creative projects.

After nearly three decades of experimentation and silliness, I finally have enough skill to do something REAL!

Enter WOE Clothes!

I have Autism and ADHD, which means that I have very specific sensory needs when it comes to clothes! I love wearing PJs, and I love being unencumbered by restrictive clothes. This means everything is made with comfiness and freedom in mind!

I also love colour and design challenges – so I hope these clothes spark your joy and curiosity like they do mine!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to chat or have questions!

Big Love

p.s. WHY ‘WOE’ ?

WOE stands for ‘Whimsy on Edge’, which is something my husband, James, said once to make fun of me!
As soon as he said it, I knew it was the
perfect name for this project!

Just a regular evening! Gluing beads onto a toy pickaxe while dressed as a lion.

Just 3 Canadians
playing with paint while they try to keep cool in the Queensland heat!

My shiny Mama! Dressed as Pipi Longstocking for free-dress day at the rural school where she worked as a teacher.

WOE Clothes is built on three values.
Keep reading to find out more.

Sustainable • Adjustable • Feel Good


Yep, you heard right! From outrageous fabrics down to simple threads, WOE clothes are made using 100% locally-sourced recycled materials.

  • The world doesn’t need more new stuff!
    If you’ve been paying attention, you probably know that our planet is under strain due to our constant appetite for more stuff.
    But there’s a lot of stuff on earth already, and lots of it is just sitting around unused!

    WOE brings new life to unused materials, turning old textiles, wools, and threads, into shiny new pieces of wearable art!

    All materials are sourced locally to avoid shady greenwashed product supply-chains, and to make use of what’s already on our front doorstep!

    Each piece of clothing has a story, so check the description under each garment to see the lifecycle of the materials used to create it!

    By supporting businesses like WOE Clothes, you are helping to build the sustainable circular economy that our planet needs!


Forget the bloating blues, WOE clothes are adjustable and versatile to fit your body perfectly.

  • DID YOU KNOW that before fast fashion, and before inventions like synthetic fabrics and elastic, adjustable clothing was very common? Adjustable designs existed in cultures all around the world.

    During this time, clothing was purchased to last a lifetime. In order to fit perfectly over years or decades, clothing had to be adjustable.

    So…what happened?

    Well, these days, the fashion industry is set up to maximise sales and make clothing as cheaply as possible. We don’t expect clothes to last as long as we once did. When our bodies change and our clothes no longer fit, we buy more (and we often feel bad about it!)

    At WOE, we’re calling BS on this! Everybody can benefit from adjustable clothing! If you’ve ever eaten too much at dinner and had to unbutton your jeans, you probably know what we’re talking about! And if you menstruate, your size might even change depending on your cycle.

    Regardless of the time of day or time of month, clothing should be made to fit you!

    But wait… there’s more! In addition to adjustability, some of our designs can be shortened or lengthened to suit you. Check the item description for more.

    We’re working towards developing an extensive and inclusive size range, starting with the most common sizes first. If you don’t see your size here but would like to order something, please get in touch!


Finally (and you may have forgotten)… Clothing should ALWAYS make you feel good!

  • Remember that feeling of playing dress-up at 5, 6, 7 years old? When you chose clothing because it was exciting and fun and made you feel brilliant… like you could transform?

    WOE seeks to recapture that feeling of spirited expression through clothing. Each piece has been designed to illicit a certain je-ne-sais-quoi in the wearer, to help you feel the freedom of being yourself.

    But hold up… we’re not just talking good vibes here!

    Are you sick of itchy tags, tight elastics, and restrictive seams? Us too!

    In addition to being fun, each piece physical feels good and is sensory friendly! And not just while sitting still. WOE clothes also move with your body, so you can do as many karate kicks and slut-drops as you want! And when you’re tired of dancing, you can take a nap without feeling pinched or squished.

    Now that’s living, Barry!

Are you in?